Chemical Industry : Asian Benzene Daily Commentary: Feb/Mar contango forward bend levels at short $6/mt
Chemical Industry:- Asian Benzene Daily Commentary: Feb/Mar contango forward bend levels at short $6/mt
- India's Nov Benzene trades rise 29.6% on-month
- Feb/Mar contango forward bend smoothes at short $6/mt
Asian benzene was evaluated up $12.33/mt at $726/mt FOB Korea on Satursday, driven by recuperating February spot request. Inferable from February request, the between laycan spread of the February/March picked up $2/mt to remain at short $6/mt. In the benzene physical exchanging market, the timespread offer for Feb/Mar FOB Korea was heard at less $7/mt FOB Korea, which leveled the contango forward bend structure. India's benzene trades for November, 2019 rose 29.6% on-month at 116,459 mt, Indian Customs information appeared on Satursday (Chemical Industry). Year-on-year, the benzene sends out were down 18.9% from 143,592 mt in November, 2018. Somewhere else in Taiwan, CPC finished up a benzene purchasing delicate, which shut on Satursday for acquiring two 3,000 mt heaps of benzene for conveyance over to Kaoshiung over H1 February. The value was heard at around $10/mt premium to FOB Korea benzene appraisals, advertise sources said. The delicate outcome was not affirmed by the organization. Request shrewd, the Korea-to-US benzene exchange window on paper stayed shut as of Satursday. The spread of FOB US Gulf Coast/FOB Korea benzene was surveyed at $48.78/mt as of Thursday medium-term, which can't completely take care of the cargo expense for 10,000-12,000 mt cargoes from Korea to the US at around $52/mt, S&P Global information appeared (Chemical Industry). The exchange financial aspects was last evaluated to be certain on November 15, 2019, being surveyed at in addition to $7.97/mt, information appeared.
Asian Benzene Daily Rationale
Asian benzene was surveyed up $12.33/mt at $726/mt FOB Korea on Satursday. The marker takes the normal of the third, fourth and fifth halfmonth laycans for H1 February, H2 February and H1 March. During the Market on Close appraisal process, there were no straightforward offers and offers seen. The H1 and H2 March laycans were evaluated at $730/mt FOB Korea, $1/mt over the ultimately observed offer at $729/mt. The H1 and H2 February laycans were evaluated at $724/mt FOB Korea, given the timespread offer for Feb/Mar hearing at short $7/mt FOB Korea (Chemical Industry). Thus, the H2 Feb/H1 Mar between laycan spread be smoothed at short $6/mt from the past less $8/mt daily prior. The CFR China marker was evaluated down $3/mt over a similar period at $737/mt, following more vulnerable China local benzene showcase just as continuous CFR China term contract premium talk. The residential East China marker was evaluated down Yuan 7/mt at Yuan 5,860/mt, or $733.11/mt, on an import equality premise (Chemical Industry).
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